One of the many highlights of Stumptown was meeting the creators of other scooter-related publications. It was nice seeing other scooter enthusiasts in attendance.
Otis Singletary and Nate Murphy, creators of The Two Percent Solution and fellow scooterists, stopped by the Bumpstart table to say Hi. See you at Monkey Run; there better be Monkey bingo this year!
Kevin Cross and the Monkey MOD table. The cover of Monkey MOD was printed on a Gocco! Kevin is also co-host of The Big Illustration Party Time podcast. Be sure to check it out on iTunes.
On Sunday, I took a break from my table and did a quick walk around. I wish I had more time to look around. It was a weekend of sensory overload at the Doubletree. Towards the end of the day, I had the pleasure of meeting Gail Simone, writer of Wonder Woman. I gave her a copy of American Scooterist's "Beat Issue", which she just loved. I recently became the new publisher of the Vespa Club of America's magazine and I have to say that this double-issue is going to be a tough act to follow.